Infected through Self-Replicating bio vaccines
Toxic allopathic versus natural homeopathic medicines
Population slaughtered by drugs, food, and designed diseases
When people stay healthy the Rockefeller controlled Medical Mafia cannot sell them drugs and treatments, they only can sell these when people are sick. Homeopathic remedies are relatively inexpensive and available without prescription. That is to say; before the cabal moved in, to replace the natural healing treatments with drugs that require a doctor’s prescription. A system that virtually is a monopoly for doctors and Big Pharma.
All is about the condition of your immune system whether you stay healthy or fall victim. You easily can improve your infection resistance by drinking every day a glass fresh squeezed lemon 1/3 added with bottled mineral water 2/3. In the beginning add some additional mineral water to get used to the taste, until you’ll like it.
Nowadays, the cabal control all sides in the medical networks through the WHO. Eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide – more than 500.000 in the USA. The prediction is twelve million before 2030. Cancer is the biggest cause of death for people under the age of 85 years; in the US is this one in four.
Every day, people’s freedom is further confiscated under the guise to protect them against this kind of terrorism, caused on purpose by the 13 Archon bloodline families through their ownership of Big Pharma, to murder systemically people instead of curing them, as reliable cures are available and successful.
It was stated by Dr Richard Day (Rothschild Zionist) at the Rockefeller controlled eugenics organisation, ‘Planned Parenthood’, who told doctors in 1969,
“We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller institute, in the event is decided that it should be released.”
Day added,
“letting people die of cancer or something else would slow down population growth.”
He continued,
“the plan is to control and cull the population through medicine, food, new-laboratory made diseases and the suppression of a cures.”
Demonstrating, the Medical Mafia want people to suffer and die early.
These criminal bloodline people have no soul and that’s why they do what they do. Big Pharma has no desire to cure cancer or any other illness, when it is making unthinkable fortunes from treating the symptoms with devastating drugs and cell-killing, eventually killing people with chemotherapy treatments costing on average $ 500.000 per patient.
The satanic bloodline families enjoy killing people and let them suffer more than is necessary, as their game is culling the population. As much and quick as is possible.
Big Pharma owned by the major Rockefeller archon bloodline members, is the force behind fake and dangerous synthetic medicine, in general called allopathic drugs, as a replacement for natural homeopathic medicine, made for a tenth of the price from herbs, minerals, plants, etc.
Big Pharma’s synthetic drugs don’t heal but make and keep patients sick. Among these are vaccines, chemotherapy, radiations and the likes. These drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people every year.
Pharma scientific research has turned out to be fraudulent and cannot be trusted, in accordance to an insider whistle-blower scientist. The majority turns out to be junk science in order to deceive patients and health workers. This has given rise to the idea that immunity induced by vaccines could certainly be identical to natural immunity once a disease, such as measles or chicken pox, has been successfully warded off naturally.
Vaccinated proponents go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting the vaccine, which is underlined by the herd immunity argument. But logic defies this proposition; if vaccines really worked, surely vaccinated people would not have to worry about catching something from unvaccinated people.
Factually, it is the other way around with the Covid bio weapon vaccines, because vaccinated people have become walking bio weaponry that infects the unvaccinated!
This whole vaccine operation, is not a vaccine at all, but a toxic injection, more precisely a transmissible bioweapon with a spike protein to shed infectious particles to infect healthy unvaccinated people. This poison has been designed decennia ago to obtain the most perfect self-directed population reduction ever invented on planet Earth.
Akin leprosy disease, where patients were removed from society because they were contagious to others. Experts already talk about batches to be worn by injected citizens. In short, authorities have violated their own existence without regard to legal rules, promoting hoax vaccines to exterminate human existence on Earth.
Infected through Self-Replicating bio vaccines
Everything in our world is fake! The sooner people wake up and realise the lies and deception, the better it is for all of us.
Remember that in the midst of all this, you can be real and true. Do not let it bring you down; let it be a challenge to help us reach our potential. We the people have the power the government and authorities are in our service! Our world is filled with an awful amount of lies, deception, disinformation, distortion, fakery, half-truth, fraud, veneers, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once awaken to the deception, people are able to raise their consciousness.
The illusionary world made people believe they live a real life, which was built on lies and deceptions. They just were living a bad dream, which is going to end soon, as they are going to wake up from it. The Dark Forces didn’t expect the interventions from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics Alliance or we the patriots to help to save humanity.
The Negative Forces continuously brainwash humans and purposely deleted memories from previous lives. All, these Deep State criminals are going to be removed one by one from this planet. Guided by the Prime Creator. They are destined to lose their souls for all violations and crimes against humanity.
Powerful energies and assistance from the Masters and Galactic Alliances are going to turn around the outcome of the war between Light and Darkness. The cabal plans of eliminating 90% of Earth population has failed. People should stand up for themselves and their families against tyrannical governments. The spark of the Light is becoming a fire, which cannot be stopped anymore.
Toxic allopathic versus natural homeopathic medicines
People who refuse to be injected will die through infection from long-lasting self-replicating bioweapon vaccines through vaccinated individuals. For eugenics the perfect method to reach their target of 90% depopulation, eradicating humanity for once and forever from planet Earth. At any degree, you are warned to stay away of vaccinated people!
The great danger of the self-replicating bio-weapon has now also been confirmed by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, in his recently published scientific paper confirming that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is in fact the cause of vascular damage in recipients of Covid injections, causing strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots, impaired vision and other damaging reactions, that have already claimed the lives of thousands of vaccinated people.
These vaccines deliberately inject the spike protein, and in the case of mRNA vaccines, the body turns into a self-replicating bio-weapon, spreading fatal particles from the spike protein plant into their bloodstream and releasing them into their environment, which distributes them to infect others. Vaccinated people have become weapons of mass destruction and a great danger to the society of healthy survivors.
Only stupid people and zombies get vaccinated because it is free. They do something that they think is OK, when the reality is that it is potentially fatal, but they cannot get up from their behinds to read or examine the facts, so they believe the lies instead of the truth.
Conclusion; The Globalists have created the self-replicating vaccine in order to put an end to humanity on planet Earth.
Once freewill of the majority is taken away, they become afraid and ask for more protection from government, with more restrictions in order to feel safer. That, is happening now, under the Covid rules. This is the newly created human body already living around us in the millions, unable to wake up out of their slavery. That are the beings the Deep State like most. People that don’t want freedom, but safety, fits their matrix prison, designed to be living in low and toxic vibrations.
For readers who find this too far-fetched, look around you and see the many stupid, idiotic, absolutely useless face masks worn by many.
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March 9, 2022 at 4:58 PM
As I was reading these posts, I happened to glance at one from November, 2020 headlined: Have Courage, Trust the Plan. Gee. When does this “plan” appear or HAS it appeared only to DISAPPEAR? If you want us to believe what you say, you’ll have to be a tad more accurate on past predictions or at least not advertise them when they obviously went nowhere.
March 9, 2022 at 6:53 PM
The predictions are correct. Timing is a factor that cannot be influenced. The moment the mob awakes en mass the PLAN is in action.
March 23, 2022 at 9:43 AM
The plan is stil ongoing. Very soon, when the mob wakes up, we will have the final breakthrough ! Have al little more patience…
March 26, 2022 at 2:13 AM
Dear Valerie the Plan is allready unfolding! Many people are growing in consiousness and are slowly awakening!
Warm regards Britta.
March 9, 2022 at 5:50 PM
March 23, 2022 at 1:39 AM
Je fais partie de ceux qui catégoriquement, ont dit NON aux injections et aux tests!! Oui j’ai perdu mon emploi, mais la vie n’a pas de prix et je tiens à la vie!! De plus, je travaillais depuis presque 10ans pour 10 médecins spécialistes , et qui m’encourageais pleinement à aller me faire injecter !! Ils vont d’ailleurs eux aussi répondre de leur actes ou non actes. Par contre, je n’ai pas réussi à convaincre ma famille et ma fille de 20 ans de s’abstenir malheureusement. Je ne suis pas entièrement d’accord sur le fait que ce soit tous uniquement des imbéciles ou des zombies qui ont pris part, je suis convaincu qu’il y a eu une forme d’hypnose mentale. Je n’avais jamais vu ma fille aussi fermé, froide dans ses propos et catégoriquement fermé à toute discussion sur le sujet. Elle a toujours habiter avec moi depuis qu’elle a 3 ans, et jamais je n’avais entrevue un tel comportement. Divisé par divergence d’opinions, elle est allé jusqu’à déménager chez son père, avec qui ça n’a jamais été une entente positive. Pour changer un peu le sujet, moi je me fais du jus avec du citron, gingembre, eau filtrée et miel depuis deux ans et j’adore ça. J’ai très hâte de faire la rencontre des peuples de lumières !!🥰😇 merci ! Monique 🥰
March 23, 2022 at 9:40 AM
En effet Monica, il y a peu de gens qui peuvent s’élever dans le nouveau monde 5D.
Vos expériences sont tristes, mais elles ne sont pas uniques. Nous avons nous aussi connu des situations similaires avec nos enfants. Le père est vu comme un clown qui s’agite avec des moulins à vent.
March 23, 2022 at 9:46 AM
translation of Monic’s comment
I am one of those who categorically said NO to injections and tests! Yes, I lost my job, but life is priceless and I value my life! Moreover, I had been working for 10 specialists for almost 10 years, and they fully encouraged me to go and get injected! They will also answer for their actions or non-actions. On the other hand, I did not manage to convince my family and my 20 year old daughter to abstain unfortunately. I don’t entirely agree that it was all idiots or zombies who took part, I am convinced that there was some form of mental hypnosis. I have never seen my daughter so closed, cold in her words and categorically closed to any discussion on the subject. She has always lived with me since she was 3 years old, and I had never seen such behaviour. Divided by differences of opinion, she went so far as to move in with her father, with whom it was never a positive agreement. To change the subject a bit, I’ve been juicing with lemon, ginger, filtered water and honey for two years and I love it. I am very much looking forward to the enlightenment people!!!🥰😇 thank you! Monique 🥰
March 25, 2022 at 12:06 AM
Divine Monique. BRAVO
March 12, 2022 at 8:56 AM
I’m deeply inspired by you and feel so grateful to you for the contents of all your postings so far!
Also, I highly value and cherish your great work for the sake of all humanity on the planet Earth!
For me, it was so natural not to follow where the society flows and the mob chases mindlessly and blindly. I’ve never believed what MSM deliver; that’s why I’ve never allowed myself to be tested or vaccinated for the damn COVID even sacrificing my more-than-10-year-long business.
I just couldn’t stand all the shitty deceptions and lousy, groundless disinformation on COVID and its mandates whatsoever.
I think I’m truly blessed to get led to your blog and come to read all your precious and uplifting truths!!
May Prime Creator protect, inspire, and continue to encourage you and all those already awakened and on the way to awakening, thanks especially to you!!!
Salute to you, Peter, with sincere admiration and much love,
March 12, 2022 at 9:52 AM
Thanks Serenity for your beautiful heartbreaking compliment. For sure we’ll meet you in the new 5D-World soon.
March 12, 2022 at 11:01 PM
Yes, Peter, I can’t wait!!!
Stay radiant and serene with all the truth!
Light and Love with many heartfelt Thanks to YOU,
March 12, 2022 at 8:12 PM
I am awakened. Probably too much. I also believe in this war there is a thing called collateral damage. How long are we to wait for the sleepers to wake up? As we wait more die. Is that part of the plan too? The awakened are dying as well. Time to cut this movie and cut our loses.
March 25, 2022 at 2:57 PM
Liebe Lisa 🙂 In Gottes Plan gibt es keine Zufälle. Alles verläuft nach seinem Plan.
Jede Seele hat einen eigenen Lebensplan, der vor ihrer Inkarnation ausgearbeitet wurde.
Es gibt Seelen, die sich dabei entschlossen haben, als Lichtarbeiter Gott zu unterstützen. Es gibt aber auch Seelen, die beschlossen haben, nicht aufzuwachen, aus welchen Gründen auch immer.
Da wir nur in Liebe aufsteigen können, sind wir gefragt, alles und jeden zu akzeptieren, ohne Wertung.
Solange wir noch verurteilen, stellen wir uns über andere und vergessen dabei, das wir ..alle … gleich sind. Niemand ist besser oder schlechter als der andere. Sondern jede Seele ist einzigartig von Gott geschaffen.
Da wir nicht in den Schuhen anderer Seelen gelaufen sind und nicht wissen, warum sie wie handeln, sind wir gefordert, sie zu lieben und zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind.
Alles Liebe für dich Elijan
March 24, 2022 at 9:28 PM
I agree with you 100%. That is why I am listening to every word you have to say because you are telling the truth and people need to hear the truth. May God bless you and let us awaken as many people as we can. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
March 27, 2022 at 7:22 PM
– A Verdade está sendo revelada aqui nesta postagem e comentários. Gratidão a vocês.
Truth is being revealed here in this post and comments. Gratitude to you.
March 28, 2022 at 10:02 AM
Thank you for the massage 👁️
October 2, 2022 at 10:23 AM
For those not aware Russia went into Ukraine to destroy bio-weapons that were going to be used against the Russians, Ukrainians and the world at large…These bio-weapons were created in labs the same way they were created in Wuhan for the covid-19 virus…Russia is being attacked in any way by the west…Who created those bio-w. *The USA with the help of many of the governments of Europe and other countries…Any countries against Russia are involved in this scheme…We need to know that MSM keeps lying about everything…They cover up the truth of what is really going on…