Control, looting and exploitation for wealth and power
Bribed Politicians
Wealth equals Power
Lies generate corruption
Infiltration at highest levels of finance
The disconnected body form
3D World turns into 5D
Anunnaki historically hidden shocking truth
It is time to expose the corruption in our money system. It is the greatest evil the world has ever seen. It is time for the world to work together by any means necessary to eradicate this crime once and for all. The true aims of the ruling Cabal are far more “disturbing” and “sinister” than most people can imagine.
Psychopathic elites rule the world! A relatively small group of satanic narcissistic psychopaths, organised according to Masonic sectarian ideology; who have unlimited influence and resources at their disposal.
These people have no compassion, they pursue their agenda based on unsubstantiated logic, full of lies. Their agenda takes us straight into the swamp of the Archon Bloodline; with Anunnaki and Draco Reptile Control Matrix!
Nowhere in recorded history is the art of making money out of nothing more developed than in the ancient Khazar Empire, which developed from nomadic robber clans operating on the western caravan routes in the Caucasus Mountains, north of Iraq, between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions.
By the tenth century, the Khazars had created an empire stretching north from the Black Sea to the Ural Mountains and west from the Caspian Sea to the Dnieper River.
Alone, Christians and Muslims believed that charging interest on a loan, then called usury, was a sin. But Jews could openly charge interest on loans. Whether they did it for practical reasons or out of genuine religiosity, the Khazarian aristocrats professed their conversion to Judaism.
They include the Rothschilds, who have ruled Europe financially for over a century and continue to do so by dominating the global financial system. They are the financial backers of the Rockefellers and other rich Archon families. It is important to note that none of these converted Khazarians had any connection with Jews, yet they claim to be Zionist Jews. More to the point, Jews are not Zionists, and Zionists are not Jews.
The Rothschild bankers have planned to take over our civilisation and wipe out up to 90% of the population, through a multitude of covert actions, including wars, poisoning our water, food, air and toxic medicines, and various toxic vaccination programmes. Meanwhile, Islamic mercenaries are being paid handsomely to take over the EU and the US. – Trump ‘s main task is to use the military to remove these cabal traitors.
Control, looting and exploitation for the sake of wealth and power
The “Deep State” runs this secret operation, through negative principles of Draco Reptiles, Black Nobility, the Vatican, Jesuits, Illuminati, and Monarchies, are grouped under the name Khazarian Mafia. Run by Nazis, CIA, and factions of corrupt FBI. In fact, the entire system of agencies, judicial administrators, judges, lawyers and forged courts are part of this great facade, which has violated the unquestionable rights of man, once given by our Creator.
All religions have tried for thousands of years to hide the real answers about who and what we humans really are, to tighten their control over us, to plunder and exploit us for their own wealth and power.
As if this were not enough, they commit heinous acts against members of our society, especially the weak and the young, as amply demonstrated by the ongoing independent investigations into PizzaGate and PedoGate.
Bribed politicians
The money control methods of the Rothschilds banking dynasty have been emulated for decades by Globalist financiers, whether Jewish or not. An important part of this control is total secrecy.
Using the policies of bribed politicians who serve as their stooges through blackmail and are subjects of public anger and activity. Allowing the globalists to operate outside the public eye, without involvement.
With their fake money, they forcibly rob the working class of real wealth. Fake wars are started, to make trillions from the Main Street economy end up in their own pockets. After committing the biggest theft in history, they lecture the poor victims on global warming, racism and gender issues.
Wealth equals Power
These Parasitecrats are defined by names like; illuminati, insiders, the Deep State, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia – RKM, Cabal, elite, establishment, or Powers That Be – PTB. Who run the – Masonic Jewish – central banking cartel, the CIA, MI-6, and Mossad; multinationals, corporations, law enforcement, education, and the media with the goal of enslaving humanity.
The invention of the printing press enabled the printing of money, but also their version of the Bible, which led to the Age of Enlightenment and the downfall of the Roman Church. It was the moment when money could replace religion as the new control mechanism for the wealthy elite.
Wealth equals power, by constantly issuing new money, which is effectively taken out of the hands of the public, to put in the hands of the international banking cartel. Is the main means of oppression, to create rich gods and poor souls.
Through the application of these surreptitious means of oppression, the public has lost its freedom. In order to regain our freedom, the people must massively break the power of the Rothschilds; who, according to the colonial script, outlawed the people’s honest money.
“Banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies”, Jefferson said; and that “the principal to be paid by posterity, under the name of finance, is swindling on a grand scale of the future”. Jefferson added. “This is supporting the money aristocracy of the Rothschilds. The power to spend money should be taken from the banks and returned to the public, to whom it properly belongs.”
Lies generate corruption
It is all one big deception, from top to bottom, and everywhere in between. The lie is different at every level! As a result – there is global corruption, such as among others: Bribes, blackmail, murder, drug trafficking, money laundering, global arms sales, mind control, human trafficking, paedophilia and eventually even the Satanic ritualistic blood sacrifice of young children.
The fear energy of these cruel, horrific rituals is used to feed very real disincarnated beings who live on another frequency level on our planet, just outside our field of vision.
The world has up to 200 million chipped public “minions” who are either Draco hybrids, clones or shapeshifters – totally corrupted minions who have become the middle management of this bizarre Out-of-World Control Matrix. They plod and toil on, doing what they are told to do, with no real idea of where it all leads. These look-alikes are simply not of this world, although it is difficult to understand and accept this!
Infiltration at the highest levels of finance
A group of Satan-worshippers – Luciferianism/Satanism/Baal-worship – have managed to infiltrate the highest ranks of Finance – The Vatican – Governments – The Military – Religions, and even centuries-old Secret Societies such as the Knights Templar, the Jesuits, Freemasons, and the Knights of Malta, run the world as it is to this day. Their lies have become so big that they are almost impossible to distinguish from the truth!
These people have also infiltrated the Military Leadership – Banking – Corporate CEOs, Clergy, Media Executives, Top Judges, Top Law Enforcement Officers and Top Lawyers. In addition; Hollywood producers and actors, as well as directors and management of agencies, such as NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, KGB, FSB, Mossad, MI5 and MI6.
All these agencies and institutions are compartmentalised, and are told only a small part of what is being planned on a need-to-know basis, so that they are able to carry out their part of the plan without knowing the ultimate goals. They are lied to about the rest! Needless to say, if they were told the whole agenda, they would not want to participate!
Through the globally controlled media, a “continuous” negative news flow is carefully distributed; important for their Control over our Reality.
“All of human history revolves around Messianic-Satanic Judaism (“Chassidism”); everything is made up; History and politics are One Great Film, and they are the directors, turning Old Testament prophecy into reality.
They conquered Freemasonry by building the creation of the Illuminati mime (via Rothschild/Jacob Frank/Weishaupt); they made a pact with the British Monarchy when they funded William III to become King; they placed the British Royals at the head of the Freemasons; they created the modern banking system and the Fed (via Rothschild); they created Zionism, the World Wars, the European Union, and so on. They rule through their puppets.
Rothschilds (whose forefathers were part of the Chassidic cult) and Rockefellers, are the leading power behind CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission etc. We are now in the “End of Times”; they are trying to foment a “predicted” Third World War”. – Read more here.
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against the people and all sovereign nations through the use of false-flag, Gladio-style terrorism; via the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System and central banking, in order to infiltrate and hijack all banking institutions worldwide, through the application of Babylonian Black Magic, also known as Babylonian Money-Magic or the secret art of making money out of nothing, exploiting power from pernicious usury to accumulate interest.
This Babylonian money-magic included replacing gold and silver deposits with paper credit certificates, allowing travellers to travel with their money in a form that allowed for easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen.
Interesting to see; how the problem started by the Khazars was also solved by them according to the principle: Problem – Reaction – Solution. Finally the Khazar king and his small court infiltrated Germany with a group called “Bauer”. They represented the kingdom and continued their system of evil driven by Baal. The Bauers of the Red Shield house in Frankfurt/M, represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, and changed their name to Rothschild (“child of the rock” i.e.: Satan).
They infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, then hijacked the entire English nation. Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated society to take over the European banking system, the City of London, and the Central Banking System, through various cunning covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon’s victory over the British, when in reality he had lost.
This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deceit to steal the wealth of the English nobility, landed gentry and people who had made business investments in banking institutions.
The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialised in making counterfeit money out of thin air – and charged the people pernicious interest rates because they were obliged to use money that should have belonged to the people themselves.
This was black art or Babylonian money-magic. They claimed to insiders that this technology and secret money power had been given to them by Baal, because of their frequent childbirth and ritual sacrifices to Baal, (through PizzaGate/PedoGate).
Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they blended in with the royals and infiltrated to hijack all wealth, including all major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the members of the royal families by secretly, illicitly and adulterously breeding with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.
The disconnected body form
The “old” genetically degraded human body form, which we see everywhere and in which we all incarnate, no longer keeps our consciousness at a very low vibrational level. Awakened people are literally breaking free from the mould. That was the original intention of the Creator. However, the cabal does not give up so easily!
The real “plan” – known only to the highest members of the cabal – is to get rid of the old disconnected body shape, by wiping out 90% of the population on Earth, to wipe out the old body suit, which no longer works for them!
The “new” body suit – the human 3.0 suit is already prepared, waiting in the underground laboratories. Through a process that most people cannot even imagine, souls can literally be “forcibly” freed from Earth’s gravity to return to the reincarnation cycle. Newly created, highly machine-like bodies solve this cabal problem.
3D World turns into 5D
Fortunately, as we awaken to the truth of our history, our World is changing into a miraculous place. With this truth we are learning about the existence of the Universal Cosmic Principle of Free Will. Awareness of this is our power to create the world we imagine. As opposed to the toiling in apathy today.
Full disclosure is coming, as well as the GCR, NESARA/GESARA, gold-backed currencies; and massive technological advances. Poverty and famine are eliminated for good.
All politicians will be arrested and replaced by new temporarily selected specialists. People will have access to true information and revelations about candidates, while their votes, for the first time ever, will count towards decisions.
The World will get everything promised by the Creator; humanity will enter a new Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity. People will treat each other as true Humanitarians.
It will be impossible in this universe of free will, even for the Creator Himself, to help the souls who did not stand up for themselves, by withstanding this evil takeover by the Deep State Mafia, becoming more obvious every day!
The Khazarian Mafia Cabal has finally discovered that millions of lightworkers on Earth are using the “love vibration” against them. They are now facing an all-out war by every living awake creature on planet Earth!
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June 14, 2022 at 12:22 PM
Disclosure coming when… 2030?2050?2070?2090? Cause it sure wasn’t 2020 nor 2021 nor 2022..
2023? 2024?… All we have is just promises of a better tomorrow.. Like always… But for now we keep living in the same old corrupt rat infested place..
June 14, 2022 at 1:48 PM
Sorrry, if we don¡t free ourselves, nothing will happen, We the people en mass have to stand up and liberate the planet. Don’t complain, take the lead!!!
June 14, 2022 at 3:54 PM
Oh I thought there was a military operation, white hats, Trump, QAnon, Pleiadians and archangel Gabriel all fighting for the earth… Now its up to us 95 % vaccinated sheeple robots and 5 % wacko conspiracy theorists.. Wow the future of the world is looking grim… The only thing I hope for is a nuclear war… Let’s end this shitshow… Its boring and useless and I’m tired
June 14, 2022 at 4:17 PM
Change always comes from within, for which everyone has their own key that initiates it. Waiting for someone else to do it for you will never come. And so the cry is always the same: “They talk and talk but nothing happens”. And in fact, for this type of person, nothing will change.
The battle against the world mafia was won a year ago, but convincing zombies of what has happened is impossible; they will have to experience it first, after the liberation of planet Earth has become a reality.
June 14, 2022 at 6:42 PM
Hi, THANK YOU!! Really put things together.. there is alot going on.. finances, governments, disclosure etc. Everyday. It is a journey, to FREEDOM!!! We are chosen to be a part of it..God has allowed us, to bear witness to His? ULTIMATE PLAN.. To free humanity …we have to help!!!! Wake up, put the lies behind us…embrace our fellow man with love and lift all humanity to a better place…it is about FREE WILL…YOU MUST CHOOSE A PATH…
June 14, 2022 at 10:13 PM
Ponchik, Je suis 100% d’accord avec vous… Merci.
June 14, 2022 at 5:11 PM
I belive…………….Much love to all.
June 16, 2022 at 11:12 AM
Comment from the German
As for the course and background of an event into a perfectly planned annihilation of the humans and conceiving the rest as cyborgs, so to speak, has an amazing real course background in detail, so that one may assume, there is very revealing background information available, resp. are
the result of very noteworthy research. Everyone who visits this
forum should deal with this forum contribution in depth and absorb it very thoroughly. That is exactly what is highly recommended. Thanks to all of you who are able to pass on information in a concrete way, even if it is only in the immediate circle of family and friends, because this will certainly result in one or more recommendations.
For there is currently nothing more important than to recognise from the heart and to maintain or even strive for an attitude of truth and love towards all people!!!
Above all, take note that there are still a few courageous people who have taken the step of giants, gigantic therefore: ” Those who defend themselves against a seemingly unstoppable force of evil and irresponsibility, such as CH Nicola Riomaldi and NL MP Simone Kerseboom and in the USA against
Mandatory Vaccination for Children RAE Nicole Pearson , Rita Barnell and Jessica Barsotte. [Advocacy Team of Childrens Health Defens, WOW a Super Compliement with an heartful Thank and Pray ]
[Damn it all, can we allow just a few to muster the sheer lion’s courage to go against this rotten, corrupt and inhumane system. Do we want to, hardly, so let’s fight back, let’s stand up with each other and support courage and courage in a responsible attitude worldwide. We no longer have time to rest, to watch and twiddle our thumbs, to wait and see what will happen, what will happen? We will be victims of a Big Reset to the NWO, let that be clear.
The whole of humanity and this earth with all life in many ways only has a chance, namely to overcome the EVIL, of this earth, if we few , ultimately also support the Alliance. Many can certainly remember the development of an advanced civilisation with the most modern techniques of Atlantis.
Atlantis, as is well known, was destroyed by Annunaki/Reptos!?
The mendacious media on behalf of those who want to take over the earth may reconsider their permanent, mendacious portrayal of the situation in a degeneracy that can no longer be grasped. But they don’t, because only the appearance of a much-promised existence in a system for the few beckons. But anyone who trusts these criminals has certainly not looked
into the heart, for those who build on lies and depravity have certainly not looked into their own hearts either. For this agenda of a criminal system that is now to be maintained by
Deepstaates, is not real for any human being, but only
real to any human being, but only and only
perspective-less ” ILLUSION”.
This is what one must realise and that there is no other way than that of immediate resistance, through demonstrations, to demonstrate with many in unity, because fortunately it is already happening every week in many big cities of this earth, so that the murderous speculators have literally panicked. These creatures have no more power and only need the final push into damnation, let us call it a nirvana of non-existences!!!!
The previous comment W. S. can be conditionally agreed with, because it is very real truth, so then let us be brave and unwavering!!!
As for the former leading Canadian doctor Dr. Ghislane Lanctot, now only called Ghis , the first edition of the
*Medicine Mafia* 2994 was published.
The Medicine Mafia *How to escape it alive and regain health and wealth by * Saint-Pierre Lanctôt, Ghislaine.
It should be known in context that the present named ” Ghis” was former director of so-called elite clinics in Canada and the USA ! Surely this is astonishing, especially as a
video of this courageous lady from the years after 2004 exists…. Ghis was infaftiert, humiliated and pays no more taxes today and above all: ” She is still alive” Let us accept it gratefully ! ”
When I look at these topics and think about them, I always notice that there are very similar connections between the Holy Scriptures and the topics and statements mentioned. Now it will have to do with the fact that the scriptures were predominantly written down by the forces of darkness. But there are also truths about Yashua and his mission that cannot be ignored. For in context, one must always ask oneself why followers of Jesus Christ are so ruthlessly persecuted. As also the contribution of the US-American Dr. jur. Linda Thompson was courageously put on the net years ago and that was already more than courageous. Now the video ” Fema Camps and Guiotines ” has been deleted in the meantime.
There are still so many things that would be worth mentioning in this context, but I would like to refer once again to the clear texts of the forum team, with the request that as many visitors as possible take note of the explanatory, but also inconceivable realities.
Yes, this summary will seem unreal to people, but that is not the case. In no way is this about conspiracy theories and that is exactly why it is so important that each one of us draws personal consequences from this and passes on these inconceivable things as far as possible.
and pass on these inconceivable things as far as possible.
Let us remain calm and not let ourselves be irritated and frightened again and again by permanently spread media lies by the politics of the Deep States.
Shalom from the heart in truth, love and light of knowledge and in faith and a wonderful hope of a transition into a new, at present for us almost still unimaginable system of a harmonious world.
unimaginable system of a harmonious structure of a future being. Therefore we manifest ” We are, I am ” for this we ask and meditate. Thank you !
Vaya con D I O S
Through lies, people will always try to manipulate us into doubt and fear. Let us not allow this,
because each one of us is personally responsible for himself ! Therefore we assert in
We can do this !!!!!”
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