The Breakthrough
Worldwide awakening is commencing
Operation Awareness
Q and Team have designed the Evergreen operation to awaken Humanity en mass and to let them face the reality of sheer evil committed by forces that tyrannised them and changed their perception of truth. It clearly is showing the world who are involved in this crime against humanity, while breaking up the entire Deep State-infrastructure of trafficking rings.
This operation blocked the Suez Canal for maximum public attention. It was planned not only to break up the global monetary system, but also to end the Deep State power-structure, and even more to show the populace their illegal children, organs, nuclear weapons and drug trafficking activities.
The symbolic phrase: “We shall see where the ship runs aground” signifies the end of humanity’s nightmare. The Evergreen container vessel is the bombshell that must awake mankind en masse, when the videos are shown of children and women trafficked and freed from containers. Then, people will understand what has happened already during hundreds if not thousands of years. To satisfy their Satanic cults, with among others, the scarification of young children to Satan, as they believe to maintain their authority over planet Earth.
This operation, is a White Head false flag. The vessel called ‘Ever Given,’ is partly owned by the Clinton Foundation, why HRC – Hillary Rodham Clinton is written on its bow, and another major owner is Walmart.
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of the shipping containers by US Navy Seals, in collaboration with the Russians, sources say. The Navy Seals also found Weapons of Mass Destruction on the ten story high vessel – which were believed to start a war in the Middle East.
Many other ships that were blocked in the Suez Canal last week were also inspected and consequently discovered to be carrying weapons – also believed to be used to start a fresh war in the Middle-East. In order to reclaim the Deep State power control over planet Earth, under the Biden administration. Most of the weaponry was bound for Mossad to be given to Muslims by Israel.
The Human traffickers were arrested and their cartels busted – causing them losses of critical income worldwide. As result, this Operation was said the DS lost 400 million $ an hour, that still pales in comparison to what those children were undergoing.
The cargo, consisting about 20.000 containers has been carefully inspected, and off loaded into other vessels for further transport. The ones containing children, women, weapons of mass destruction, drugs and uranium, en route to Rotterdam and Baltimore, are confiscated, and will be recorded on video to be shared all over the world to awakening the masses.
It is not likely the MSM will report these findings and/or show parts of the videos, leaving the public questioning about the truth the media provides? And that could mean the end of the cabal controlled media domain. New sources and outlets will emerge, with real journalism, reporting uncensored facts and truths.
The populace will see and understand the crime against humanity in real time and are soon informed about the fake pandemic too. They will understand the mass bribery of hospitals and doctors to keep them in the virus plot.
The container ship is as high as a 10 story building, with a length of 400 metres, and a width of 65 metres. It is still anchored in Greater Bitter Lake to be released after payment of US$ 1 billion is made for occurred damages to the Sues Canal Authority.
This Evergreen operation is brilliant in its simplicity, logistics and efficiency. Especially intended to awaken the masses from their profound inanity. If the media doesn’t report soon about the children freed from the containers, the public will be shocked to learn why the MSM did not report about it.
Of course, this malpractice by the Deep State cabal was known long ago and could have been dealt with in other ways without a Suez Canal blockade. But when maximum impact is required, genius is the only solution. An operation that kills several birds with one stone!
If you found this information interesting, explanatory, valuable, and/or insightful, please share it with everyone you know to help them awaken and prepare. And, don’t forget to put up your national flag showing the world you are awake, to further motivate the silent majority to follow suit. The more flags out show the world that the cabal is losing their grip of power over us. There is much more enlightening information to follow! You are invited to subscribe free of charge.
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April 4, 2021 at 6:29 PM
Thank you Peter. This was very informative. I always thought the info was wrong because they kept saying Evergreen and not Ever Given, the name of the ship. Now I know it’s the name of the operation.
I was hoping that yesterday would have been the beginning of the big news dumps. 4/3/21 GO!
April 4, 2021 at 7:03 PM
A claim to the obvious , these scumbags ALL DESERVE executional bullets and their carcasses dumped in space. How pleasing the thought of a demonic corporation like walmart to be burned to the ground ! Any and all corporations involved with crimes against humanity, time to open your eyes people ..” well it doesn’t affect me” bullshit won’t cut the mustard anymore. Transition and the awakening is in full motion , shock is knocking at the door , ground yourselves . God blessed this world, we , yes we, covered that reality when we stuck our heads up our asses. Quite a visual ,huh? I ask for forgiveness due to my actions , no matter how big or small. Straight back to hell with the cabal, globalist , satan believers and an unbelievable assortment of groups or businesses we will soon be exposed to that are involved ( longer than most of or all of us have been breathing) God wins , akways will ! Maybe if we clean up our act , get back to civilized and humane actions ,help and love each other , God will bless this great country and rebless all countries again , we can only pray..To all of you, my friends and family , my heavenly parents and blessed pets , may God bless and rebless . We can fix this , we have to fix this , we need to help each other , God and yes, still.our President Trump. See you all on the other side. Ascention, DK .
September 21, 2021 at 1:43 AM
Great msg & SO true. Sex addict biden & unAmerican ofama (who’s calling shots) are fast destroying our America!! Food (us & pets) guns ammo water & satellite phone 855-980-5830 50 mile radius
April 4, 2021 at 9:09 PM
Praying for ALL 🙏 and for the timely dissemination of this utmost important information to the masses for The Great Awakening🙏 Happy Easter🐰
April 4, 2021 at 10:04 PM
April 4, 2021 at 10:46 PM
Every singles word about the sues canal us a huge lie. Just a Very sick mind can produce such lunatic conspiracy things, besides that, who wrote this is cabal him self, poor Guy very funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
April 25, 2021 at 12:02 PM
you are not awake
April 5, 2021 at 2:28 AM
Easter Monday is my favorite day.
It Symbolises LIFE OVER DEATH.
The Evergreen Suez Canal White Hat Military Operation was PURE GENIUS!
It is Releaving the Satanic DEATH CULT.
You Can ONLY Fix a Problem that you are AWARE OF!
April 5, 2021 at 4:03 AM
I am proud of this operation. May God Bless you, justice, freedom.
April 5, 2021 at 6:16 PM
I pray this evil comes to light soon so people realize that the evil is trying to divide us – and we can finally unify against the disgusting DS!
April 5, 2021 at 7:26 PM
I agree. This is interesting, but without any way to validate it for the public, it just creates more distrust, and false hope. It’s the same thing that has been going on for years. All these fantastic claims of near unbelievable crimes, yet no one ever ends up being held responsible. The stories just evaporate before our eyes.
In the age of technology that we exist in now, anything can be faked, and much of what we are shown is. What CGI can do with movies these days is beyond belief. And, it doesn’t help that people are just so desperate for change that they will blindly follow some Youtuber who says anything that gives them a glimmer of hope, fact based or not (mostly not).
With the present levels of fear, distrust and manipulation going on in the world, I cannot begin to imagine what it will take to truly convince people of what is actually truth. My guess is, it would need to be something entirely new, completely unanticipated, and of an unprecedented magnitude, otherwise most will just continue to react in their usual pre-programmed ways.
Here’s hoping……..
April 5, 2021 at 10:28 PM
The Saturn Federation seems to be in control of the surface of this planet.
I don’t believe this operation will be shared with the public any time soon.
I think this type of hopium of things being public is dangerous. People are hearing this stuff since the 60’s and the 80’s.
As long as the Cabal is in control of the planet there is no reason to believe things will go public.
In 10 years from now MSM will still be here, maybe with less popularity but with the same agenda and backers.
There are white hats in the world but not many.
This world liberation has another 100 years to go to complete.
This age is the Kali-Yuga age and the golden age within is starting but it will take 100 years to see any significant change, if you are over 25 years old you will not benefit much from this age, you will have to wait for your next life if you ever wanted another anyway, but that is a spiritual topic. Materialistically we were born into dark times. It is what it is.
April 6, 2021 at 3:59 AM
The forces of good are coming on like a giant avalanche that has been building for 5 decades. Events like this serves as the trigger. Citizens Committee For A Restructured Government GoAVA.US Richard Romine Foundation Economy
April 6, 2021 at 11:41 PM
Pray pray GOD HAS THIS.
April 7, 2021 at 12:13 PM
DJT et al need to arrest URGENTLY all cabals and disclose officially their names and photos.
April 8, 2021 at 9:51 AM
Hallo ihr Lieben,
Sehr kluge Taktik.Bin gespannt wann die Offenbarung der WIRKLICHEN Wahrheit öffentlich für jedermann sichtbar erfolgt.
Hoffentlich werden die Möglichkeiten der Aufklärungen/ des Erwachen sich immer
effektiver den normalen Erdenbürger präsentieren. So das immer mehr Erdmenschen
verinnerlichen das wir alle den FREIEN Willen haben, um das zu tun was unser Herz uns
aus Liebe zu flüstert.
Ich weis das ich nichts weis. Ein Suchender, der seinen Anfang jetzt gefunden hat.
In Liebe
April 12, 2021 at 1:58 PM
Hate to be a pain but … according to what sources? ‘ …sources say.’ hardly proves anything. How can a copy of a text or message be confirmation? Like the many readers and those who can see clean through the bs, people need information to be fed to them via mainstream for any hope of them waking up to the appalling things that have been in plain sight for far too long. I’m not bagging the writer of this article but if you/we want to be believed, better proof must be provided. Perhaps though, from a slightly different paradigm, what we really need, is to learn to be able to discern from within ie. not rely on outside sources for our knowing? Keep up the well-needed and well-intentioned effort. I wish I could be of better help!
April 25, 2021 at 11:52 AM
Do some research yourself and you’ll be convinced…
April 24, 2021 at 10:24 PM
Why can not the photos be circulated it’s the only way to get some of the people to believe and understand this unimaginable horror story
April 25, 2021 at 11:49 AM
Good question!
November 12, 2021 at 4:52 PM
So when is the Evergiven supposed to be the final wake up call? It’s been 8 months since the incident and I have yet to hear anything more about this ship.
November 12, 2021 at 4:53 PM
Sorry, I meant the Evergreen.
November 12, 2021 at 4:55 PM
A little more patience please. Everything works out according to the PLAN.
We only have one chance to play the last card! But we will win.
May 23, 2022 at 1:48 PM
David Kelley dam well said.
Message to Antonio:
You really are dead asleep, you need to rub that sleepy dust out your eyes and connect to the real truth. Start to do some digging down that Rabbit hole! I’ve been digging for 6 years and still unveiling more.
Thats the problem on Earth the Normies are insulting the Crazies yet the normies want facts on a plate without doing the work.