Avoiding chaos; Return to the Gold Standard: The next crisis will be much different: The next crisis will be very different: The Dow could fall 1,000 to 2,000 points in a single day. And when this happens, the… Continue Reading →
The Credit-money system: Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awakened people will be able to see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or in the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles…. Continue Reading →
Why the Free Market Doesn’t Exist: The Deep State: There is an energy crisis because governments have created it. Mainstream media controlled by the cabal, alias the ‘deep state’, obviously have never asked themselves the obvious question: ‘Why is… Continue Reading →
Wealth Plundering Economic terror: There are evil forces in our world that will do what they can to destroy you and your family in order to build globalism. From the Brussels bombings to the Panama Papers to the ongoing Syrian… Continue Reading →
The Necessity of massive awakening The illuminati control the world: The world is ruled by the illuminati an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks and big business that control the governments and media. They fund both sides… Continue Reading →
Don’t be Fooled: Revolution is happening: Oil Prices crash and Gold is going up. It is the first visible step to free humanity from Debt Slavery. Global power is shifting with a strong drive to ensure all oil and… Continue Reading →
King Dollar about to be exiled: The US is loosing the petrodollar. The US fleet abandoned the Persian golf after in 2014 the destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea was disabled by a high-tech target system from Russia. The… Continue Reading →
Deceptive Propaganda: Everything, the world over, read, heard and seen from the news media regarding the economy is bullish. The mass of reports about the economy is so skewed; it makes one wonder if ‘supply and demand’ has given way… Continue Reading →
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