People should be worried about the money in their wallet: Credit or Debt money: In 1971 the world entered a credit-expansion spree, as the US-central bank became liberated from the obligation of redeeming dollars for gold. Propelling the US… Continue Reading →
Gold, the most stable long-term form of Money: Gold is like a chameleon: Gold is like a chameleon it changes colour in response to the environment in which it resides. Soon, gold will be making an important change. At… Continue Reading →
It’s time to wake up. Massive Fraud: The World’s financial system is a massive fraud with which the bankers have got away for over one hundred years. Resulting from this financial power, the RKM elite has “bought” governments, industry… Continue Reading →
De Misinformatie iz. Goud: Eerlijk geld heeft intrinsieke waarde: Door de eeuwen heen zijn er veel objecten gebruikt als geld, de belangrijkste waren koeien, zout, en schelpen. In de 4e eeuw voor Christus dacht Aristoteles hierover na en concludeerde… Continue Reading →
The Eurosceptics vie for Power Financial structure irreparably weakened: The shockwaves caused by the fall of Italy’s unelected Prime Minister Renzi and his government, are the biggest in the EU to date, because it paves the way for the… Continue Reading →
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