Experimenting with quantitative easing and negative interest rates We are living like medieval serfs Central Banks are not tied to checks and balance audits The QFS has accounts for each and every human being on this planet Real money is linked with… Continue Reading →
More Inflation is Needed to Keep the Financial Expansion Alive Inflate or Die Negative Interest Rate Mortgage Cashless Society The solution out of this Mess is ready for implementation Counterfeiting Money The world’s monetary debt-backed monetary system of the… Continue Reading →
Fear is the Cabal’s control weapon Inflation is Theft Fake Money is Debt Money Real money keeps track between past and future Stimulus is the craziest obsession The Plan The facts; the economy is imploding, as well as… Continue Reading →
Pan-European Union The End of Sovereignty The EU is a Totalitarian Monster The Reform that will make a huge difference EU Parliament is a complete Farce Assange, Brexit, QFS, GCR, EU-elections and Notre Dame Fire The United States… Continue Reading →
Beginning to understand the bigger picture The Central Bank’s Economic Model Interest rates are dictated by central banks Capitalism operates through creative destruction Central Banksters are the troublemakers Change for the better is imminent Brexit is a done deal The… Continue Reading →
The destruction of fiat currencies has been the norm Corruption involves Fraud, Blackmail and Crime Central Banksters have changed the markets Neo-colonialism and neo-feudalism QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking System Widespread Corruption in Governments and Financial Institutions… Continue Reading →
Central Banks only care about debt, profit and control The Crime is money that no one ever earned to capture people’s real wealth Power and fake money corrupts Why people are put into debt Paper money ruins society Monetary Change… Continue Reading →
The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System Gold and Silver rigging will end Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling The Return of the Gold Standard Think about it; Gold… Continue Reading →
Intro of Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset QFS system advanced without any equivalent Politicians and Bankers caught red-handed in real time Deep State battle is lost; our victory is near Each country must be GESARA compliant to… Continue Reading →
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