The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know

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The Mu Continent Hides Our History 4

The true history of humanity This is what it is all about for all incarnates now present, to participate in the greatest and most unique upheaval in the history of the universe. In these articles we read who and what… Continue Reading →

Great Tartary – 4th part

An Awakened Consciousness Inspires Our Revolution Reading the FWC articles on Tartaria and Atlantis is your preparation for your ascension exam. They show what really happened. Make this information your own to understand what really occurred less than five hundred… Continue Reading →

Great Tartary Continuation 3

Be aware that these are findings you won’t encounter everywhere!   Siberian cities and villages destroyed In Mugalia, in the area between the source of the Amur and the Sinskaya Wall, many towns have been destroyed, as can be seen… Continue Reading →

A new reality is emerging

This essay opens up higher dimensions in people who are awake.   Our DNA – Upgrade People who have had a near-death experience come back with three, four or even five strands of DNA. In Australia a man who had… Continue Reading →

MedBeds keep us young and healthy

Please share this information with anyone who cares about their health! After reading this article, everyone will understand how to stay young and healthy. Make a hard copy of this and keep it close at hand for frequent reference.  … Continue Reading →

Severing 10 out of 12 strands of DNA crippled our abilities

Important; This essay is unique and a true eyeopener Take this info at heart and spread the message You are one of its kind and far more capable then you think     The true history of mankind The Pléiadiens… Continue Reading →

Interplanetary Spaceships

The beauty and nature of Planet Earth Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Time and again the opportunity arose to maintain the planet… Continue Reading →

Who and What are Indigo Children

The power of government is broken Unfortunately, the majority of people do not realise that their government is in the service of the people, charged with the task of running the country or state. The reality is the opposite. According… Continue Reading →

Eye opener of this Century

Unfortunately, humanity has sunk deeper into negativism than initially expected. If the number of irrelevant, poorly edited comments is any measure, the prospects for the number going to the new 5D world are pathetic. While expecting a third to successfully… Continue Reading →

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